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Well,well well!


For anyone who doubts that there are significant wellbeing benefits to community projects such as the establishment of our micro-meadow, I'd urge you to read the following publication from the University of Essex Wellbeing Benefits from Natural Environments Rich in Wildlife.

This publication is actually a literature review for The Wildlife Trusts and is a fascinating read in itself.

For our part we have certainly felt much better health wise since starting our project and the benefits we have recieved range from improved mental health, cognative and social skills and also a marked improvement in skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis. Not bad for a little bit of gardening is it?

We are still awaiting the results of our Green Dividend bid and sprucing things up ready for our visiting Britain in Bloom judges in July.

We've finally finished edging the pathway and steps down to the composting bin, using reclaimed timber, and things generally are looking much tidier.

The wildflower micro-meadow just keeps on giving - at the moment the poppies are putting on a beautiful show of their own and we have lots of busy bee visitors who seem most appreciative.

On the squirrel front, not much to report. The fluffsters are keeping a low profile but do still seem quite happy to raid the bird feeders every night.

We plan on re-planting the green wall after discovering, through trial and error, just what plants are best suited to the structure.

Lots of minor jobs still need to be addressed, but we plod on and get things done bit by bit. It's been lovely to have had visitors who have been simply astounded by the meadow and plan on using it with their groups. Others remember clearly what the area used to look like and just can't believe what has been achieved in twelve months.

Really great to be part of Mother Nature's posse and see everyone and everything feeling the benefits.

If you'd like to pay us a visit, you're more than Well-Come!

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