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Judgement Day


Well, today we welcomed the Britain in Bloom Judges who came to take a look at our humble micro-meadow. It was so nice to speak to such lovely and knowledgable people, who were not only willing to share some really great advice, but who also understood and appreciated just what hard work we have put into the wild flower garden during the last twelve months.

As the theme this year is 'Greening Grey Britain', we honestly feel we have done our bit. Not perhaps as important as many other entrants, but still a noble little contribution and we reckon that we gave a pretty good account of ourselves as an Eco-Group. We've really enjoyed the whole experience of participating in such a prestigious competition and continue to learn and grow, not only as a group, but also as a community.

OL1y was also briefly in attendance during today's visit (and as resident squirrel whisperer, I'll be rewarding her tomorrow with a walnut or two, as a bit of a thank you).

Although last night's thunder storm battered the meadow, we continue to be in awe at some of the amazing happenings to be found amidst the flora. We certainly have some fascinating insect goings-on down in our garden at the moment and it's keeping us busy reading up on exactly what we do have.

There is still lots of work ahead and new planters are scheduled to be made, as our fluffsters seem to be continually pulling over the current pots in their attempts to bury peanuts.

At least the rain has done us a favour by having watered the meadow for us and it's saved us the task of toing and frowing with our watering can. Every cloud 'eh? We have still some donated plants to find a home for in our little plot, which we will get done tomorrow.

But for now, sleep is on the agenda for everyone who has contributed to today's excitement ... and that probably includes OL1y too.

More soon - Zzzzzzz!

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