Another busy week readying things for the inevitable bad weather which will no doubt slow the gardening down a bit.

We have 'mulched' a couple of much needed pathways with a kind donation from our friends at OMBC and planted shrubs against the front fencing.
The area seems to be now clearly delineated and will hopefully encourage centre users to stick to the paths and not wander onto the sprouting micro-meadow.

The birds now have a brand new nesting box, which we hope they will eventually start to make full use of.
We have made this visible from the benched area, so people can keep their eye on the comings and goings if we do get a breeding pair using.
We also have in situ a couple of smaller bird hide-aways which we'll also be monitoring and a fab new bat nesting box. We have our headgehog feeding station in place already of course and plans are underway for a squirrel feeder too.

We've also added a sign which has been made from a tree off-cut, found by the Health Walking Group a while back, and we hope it will encourage people to use our new composting bin responsibly.

The Bug Hotel seems to have a few occupants already, so all in all, things are looking great for the Barker Street Critters.
Watch This Space for more updates!