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Springing into Action


We're really chuffed that we now have both doors of the Community Centre and our second bobbin table in the yard finally painted. We kept a 2 hour vigil on the bobbin as the paint dried, as our squirrels love to use them to dine out on.

We've bought some fantastic eco-friendly planter pockets for the garden wall, so we should soon be seeing 100 climbing beauties reaching for the summer sun and adding some colour to the drab brickwork.

The Fire Exit door has now been painted and a weather strip has now been made, painted and fitted the the front door.

We've also added a modest piece of fencing to further protect the micro-meadow from people walking on it.

Our really big news is that we now have some super micro-meadow wildflowers!!!

The micro-meadow is finally springing into action and the wildflower seeds are begining to bloom and to appear faster than we can count them.

The image left is of Bellis Perennis (The name Common Daisy just doesn't do her justice). She was actually our first ever wildflower bloom and has caused quite a stir amongst the group.

Everyone had worked so hard on Sunday that it was really rewarding in the afternoon to see, at last, the fruits of all our labours.

This little flower basked in the sunshine for a while before closing up again, as the evening drew in.

We did go for a final peep and found her nicely closed up, as if asleep for the night.

So good to see these little wonders of nature doing their stuff. We're all now far more aware of just what it takes for a little wildflower to take root and finally blossom. Hopefully we'll soon be seeing bees at work within the meadow and of course we'll keep you posted!

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