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Simply Buzzin'

Working in our micro-meadow we've noticed a lot of bees buzzing around, working just as hard. They seem to be particularly drawn to the Laurels and the Hawthorn. We have a really great information leaflet about bees, which was obtained by a group member from an organisation called Between the Trees ( This is proving to be really useful guide in helping us identify exactly what bees our meadow is attracting.

So far we have spotted several Tree Bumblebees (Bombus Hypnorum) and a fascinating Red Tailed Bumblebee (Bombus Lapidarius). We certainly are enjoying more than just the gardening aspect of this project - even learning a little Latin along the way!

Nigella, or perhaps the more romatically named, 'Love in a Mist' is now flowering amongst the poppies and daisies etc and we are expecting to start seeing butterflies start to add even more colour and life to the meadow very soon.

On a more practical note, we've finally re-purposed the old wooden pallet on which the bench area paving stones were delivered back in February. This has now emerged like a butterfly itself, into a neat little window box in which we will be growing some lovely potted herbs for centre users to pick and use at home.

The recent rain showers have certainly been appreciated by the meadow as you can see below - it's thriving ... even if the group and the squirrels are left soggy.

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