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Going Nuts

Winter is of course now fast approaching and OL1y and Co are busy getting ready by stashing away as many hazelnuts as possible!

The micro-meadow is now looking a bit miserable and sorry for itself but we know that the good rich soil we have produced via our composting efforts is full of tiny wildflower seeds ready for next years delights.

The Eco-Group still meet every Sunday and keep things under contol, including the falling leaves etc.

We'll be strimming down the remains of the meadow soon and raking out the last of the seeds and also re-potting a few shrubs.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the success of this tiny plot and even the Britain in Bloom judges were astounded by what we had managed to achieve in only 12 months. Although we didn't win, we're over the moon to have received a lovely framed certificate from them acknowledging our efforts.

Onwards and upwards!

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